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Healing After Birth: Postpartum Recovery Made Simple
Welcome and Course Overview (2:00)
Essential Wound Care
Step 1: Sitz Baths (2:31)
Step 2: Air Dry (1:14)
Step 3: Ice (3:31)
Managing Discomfort and Pain
Caring For Your Stitches (5:23)
Movement, Pain Management, and Resting (7:47)
The First Pees and Poops After Delivery (4:28)
Pelvic Floor Recovery
Returning To "Normal" + Introducing Sex Again (7:06)
Cesarean Recovery
Top Tips For a Better Recovery (5:00)
Postpartum Disorders
My Story & How To Recover + Final Remarks (5:07)
Course Evaluation and Feedback
Course Evaluation and Feedback
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